09 July 2024

The project aims to provide skills training for women in the region, support women's labour, and increase the number of women entrepreneurs in agro-tourism and gastro-tourism.

Samandağ Gastronomy Village

Oxfam KEDV (Foundation for the Support of Women's Work) and Mey|Diageo have joined forces for the community after the devastating earthquakes on February 6. The two organizations have started working to transform the heavily damaged Samandağ district of Hatay into a tourism destination led by women.

In collaboration with the Samandağ Women's Cooperative and the Samandağ Municipality, the goal is to create a sustainable future for the region by establishing the Samandağ Gastronomy Village. This long-term, sustainable project will rejuvenate the village, which was rented from the municipality by the Women's Cooperative and damaged in the earthquake. The project aims to train local women under the Learning For Life program, integrate them into the workforce, preserve the region's traditional gastronomy culture, and pass it on to future generations.

Located on approximately 20 acres, Samandağ Gastronomy Village includes facilities suitable for education, accommodation, and restaurants, as well as areas for gardening. The project was introduced on Monday, July 8, at Istanbul IWSA, hosted by its stakeholders.

During the meeting attended by Samandağ Mayor Emrah Karaçay, industry professionals, NGOs, and media representatives, Mey|Diageo General Manager Bahar Uçanlar and Oxfam KEDV President Şengül Akçar emphasized that their priority is to train and employ local women through the Learning For Life program.

Mayor Emrah Karaçay also expressed his belief that the women trained in the gastronomy village will play a crucial role in restoring the district to its former days.

Training Women for Social Reintegration Through 'Learning For Life'

In her opening speech, Mey|Diageo General Manager Bahar Uçanlar highlighted the significance of the gastronomy and tourism ecosystems and expressed her happiness about the project's long-term benefits in multiple areas.

She stated that the Samandağ Gastronomy Village provides an ideal platform for implementing Diageo Global's Learning For Life program in Türkiye, which offers job and hospitality skills to people who have faced educational and employment barriers throughout their lives. Uçanlar added:

"After the earthquakes, our Leadership Team pondered extensively on how to reintegrate women in the region into social life and make them productive individuals. We learned about Oxfam KEDV's interest in the damaged gastronomy village initiated by the Samandağ Women's Cooperative. The village presented an ideal platform for implementing Diageo Global's Learning For Life program in Türkiye. We decided to collaborate with Oxfam KEDV on a project to revive the village. Oxfam KEDV knows the region and its people well; they adapted the program to the region with their experience. We are doing our best to complete the construction swiftly, despite delays caused by heavy rains and extreme heat. We eagerly want life to restart in the region. Believing that the project would benefit women both physically and morally, we started the training without waiting for the village to be operational. We hope that women who participate in the training will easily find jobs in local or regional businesses, as they receive a diverse and functional education."

Training Has Begun

The Samandağ Gastronomy Village offers Ministry of Education and university-approved courses in gastronomy and tourism under the Learning For Life program. The training, which started with about 40 students in May 2024, reached approximately 100 women by the second term in June 2024. Women from the entire region can participate in the training, not just those from Samandağ. Initially, an average of 50 women will be trained each month, with a goal to increase this number to 100 in the future.

Samandağ Gastronomy Village Opens in October 2024

Oxfam KEDV President Şengül Akçar shared detailed information about the Samandağ Gastronomy Village during the meeting, starting her speech by thanking project partners Mey|Diageo, Samandağ Municipality, and the Samandağ Women's Cooperative. Akçar stated:

"The earthquakes left many people, especially women, unemployed. During our work in the region, we came across the damaged gastronomy village owned by the Samandağ Women's Cooperative, with Samandağ Municipality as a stakeholder. After receiving support from the cooperative and the municipality, we took steps to revive the village with Mey|Diageo, who we trust for their expertise in gastronomy and tourism."

Akçar noted that the project is nearing completion and that they aim to open the village in October 2024.

"In the first stage, we will complete the places where practical and theoretical training will be given and open a restaurant for service. Finally, we aim to activate the guest accommodation units. We believe the project will also contribute to tourism by allowing guests visiting Samandağ to stay in these units. Additionally, we plan to open a shop where local products made by women in the area will be sold, with the proceeds directly contributing to the village's operating fund. We hope that with the participation of women who gain skills through the training, the village will stand on its own feet in the future. Once the village is operational, we anticipate that 50 to 100 people, excluding chefs and trainers, will be employed permanently," Akçar added.

"We Promise to Provide All Support!"

Samandağ Mayor Emrah Karaçay also thanked Oxfam KEDV and Mey|Diageo for supporting this project, which was deemed impossible to revive after the earthquake. Karaçay said:

"I believe women play a very important role in local development because they know what is needed for their children, families, and surroundings. They easily come together and find solutions to the most challenging problems. The education and activities planned for the gastronomy village indicate that there will be beneficial work that can serve as an example for the region and add value to our district's economy. I thank the Samandağ Women's Cooperative for introducing us to Oxfam KEDV and Mey|Diageo, who will strive to revive this project. I promise Bahar Uçanlar and Şengül Akçar that we, as the municipality, will provide all necessary support to ensure our gastronomy village becomes operational as soon as possible."