

Planning and coordination activities for the production, storage and distribution of alcoholic beverages and related investment processes Mey İçki and Mey Alkollü İçkiler Headquarter

Bilecik Plant

All factory main processes and auxiliary processes, such as gin production, vodka production, liquor production, storage activities, the treatment plant, and the heat center

Bilecik Warehouse

Storage and distribution of alcoholic beverages

Elazığ Wine Plant

It is the only production facility that can process Öküzgözü and Boğazkere on-site. This wine production facility in the east of our country, which processes Öküzgözü and Boğazkere grapes, which form a connection with Turkey's past culture, is also the closest to the lands where wine was born. All main and auxiliary processes such as the production of wines in different tubes, bottling, all storage activities, treatment plant, and heat center

Tarsus Suma Plant

All main and auxiliary processes including production of suma by fermentation and distillation of fresh grapes and raisins, as well as storage activities, treatment facility and heating facility.

Acipayam Aniseed Processing Plant

Main and auxiliary processes of aniseed sorting, sifting and packaging.

Alasehir Distillery Plant

All main and auxiliary processes including production of suma from fresh grapes and raisins, and raki production, aging and bottling, as well as all the storage activities, treatment facility and heating facility.

Alasehir Warehouse

Storage and distribution of alcoholic beverages

Sarkoy Winemaking Plant

All main and auxiliary processes including making and bottling different types of wines, all storage activities, treatment facility and heating facility.

Nevsehir Distillery Plant

All main and auxiliary processes including production of suma from fresh grapes and raisins, and raki production, aging and bottling, as well as storage activities, treatment facility and heating facility.

Nevsehir Warehouse

Storage and distribution of alcoholic beverages