22 June 2024

Zorlu PSM's PSM Atölye, launched in 2021 and supported by Mey|Diageo for the past two terms, has graduated its third cohort. The PSM Atölye program, organized in three separate tracks—Dramatic Writing, Theater Directing, and Theater Production—concluded the year with four original plays presented by 19 students at Zorlu PSM %100 Studio on June 8th and 9th.

Young talents are being developed

Filiz Ova, General Manager of Zorlu PSM, stated, "At Zorlu PSM, we have made it our mission to support young people in every field of the arts, creating projects that open opportunities for individuals in this sector. Our main goal with PSM Atölye is to make the cultural and artistic ecosystem sustainable, contribute to the development of new talents in theater, enrich the theater repertoire with original content, and bring new talents into the industry. With PSM Atölye, which we started in 2021, we have now completed three years. We have graduated 69 students with 22 plays in total. I would like to extend a special thank you to Mey|Diageo, which has provided great support for the staging of these valuable plays and the production efforts of our young colleagues in the field of theater."

PSM Atölye aims to enrich the theater repertoire with original content and integrate its participants into Turkey's performing arts network. This year, 19 participants were involved in the program. The educational team included experienced names such as Serdar Biliş, Cem Görk, Suzanne Bell, Özlem Özhabes, Evrim Zeybek, Murat Mahmutyazıcıoğlu, Mehmet Ergen, Mehmet Karaca, Özlem Hemiş, Ayşegül Beyazdağ, Aylin Aliveren, Blanche McIntyre, Hakan Silahsızoğlu, Ali Yalgın, Cemil Demirok, Ahmet Sami Özbudak, Banış Arman, and Pelin Ekinci Kaya. The participants completed their seven-month theoretical and practical training with the presentation of four original plays.

In this year's program, aimed at introducing new names to the fields of playwriting, theater directing, and theater production, the plays "Yüzyılın Oyunu," "Kuzguncuk Sular Altında," "Artık Hiç Geçmeyecek," and "Kısık Ateşte Düdüklü Tencere" were presented at Zorlu PSM %100 Studio on June 8th and 9th. The performances were attended by theater professionals, renowned figures, and members of the press.